Cute Lunch Bag Ideas

It’s so easy to get into the habit of eating out or buying lunch every day, but think of how beneficial packing your own lunch to work or school can be. Not only would it cut the cost of lunch, but also it allows you to pick and choose what foods you put into your body. With lunch being such an important part of your day we think that not only should your lunch taste good but it should also look good!
These are a few fun and easy ways to transform your lunch bag! First you can always start by adding some fun patches or stickers to the exterior of the bag. Check out this blog post to learn how you can easily do so! Another fun way to change the appearance would be to add a cute key chain or charm to the handle of the bag. This also adds personality and character and makes your lunch bag a one of a kind.
Another cute lunch idea would be to coordinate colors of your lunch with your Tupperware or food. This could mean you find some colorful new dishes to hold your salad in or an awesome printed water bottle that compliments the patterns of our Freezable Lunch Bag. This could also mean that you find fun napkins or even utensils to match your lunch bag. In the image below we found items and utensils that paired well with our Freezable Watermelon Party Lunch Bag. We previously painted wooden silverware to match our Freezable Pastel Prism Lunch Bag and if you want to learn how to create this DIY kid's silverware to , then click here to learn more!
Next time you plan out your lunch, make it a themed one. If it’s near the holiday’s finding a theme might be easier, but if it’s in the middle of the week, choose a day like #TacoTuesday and make your lunch have a fiesta-like theme. Or if you’re using our Freezable Watermelon Party Lunch Bag, maybe pack foods and drinks that all have watermelon in them! Or if you packed lunch in our Freezable Buffalo Check Lunch Bag you can bring foods that are only red and blue to match the exterior. You don’t always need a holiday to have a reason to have fun with your food and lunch bag!
All of you can easily achieve these cute lunch bag ideas, as long as you put your creative hat on. It’s easy to find ways to make lunchtime fun and exciting again, it just takes a little thinking outside of the box to get there! We hope you enjoyed these few cute lunch bags tips and suggestions! Let us know what you thought by leaving a comment below or if you post a photo be sure to hashtag #packitcool so we can check out your cute lunch hacks!